Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:30am – 5:00pm | Sat-Sun: Closed

Clinic Number: 918-878-7733

Women's Health

Women have very special health needs and require health screenings to assess for the risk of various health issues. The team at Grassroots Healthcare offers full-service women’s health examinations at their Tulsa, Oklahoma, office. Services include pap smears, contraception, and hormone replacement.

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What is women's health?

Due to their reproductive organs, women have very special health needs that require a specialized approach to care. Additionally, health conditions that affect both genders may affect women differently.

Grassroots Healthcare is an expert in women’s health and not only manages your basic health needs through your wellness exams but has the skills to identify health issues based on your symptoms and specialized testing.

Our team may also prescribe contraception to women to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

What tests do women need?

Grassroots Healthcare is a full-service medical practice that can provide most of your medical needs. Special tests offered include:

Pap smears

A Pap smear is a test that assesses your risk for cervical cancer. During the test, the doctor gently scrapes cells from your cervix and has them analyzed for abnormalities. Women should have a Pap smear every three years, starting at age 21 up through age 65.

Testing for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

Both men and women are at risk of contracting STDs, but the diseases tend to affect women’s health more than men’s, and if not treated they can lead to infertility in women. Grassroots Healthcare offers confidential and nonjudgmental STD testing so you get the treatment you need to stay on top of your sexual and overall health.

Preparation for mammograms

A mammogram is a special X-ray that detects abnormalities in breast tissue to screen for breast cancer. Grassroots Healthcare doesn’t offer mammograms at the office but provides the necessary preparation for you to get your test. Most women should begin mammogram testing in their 40s. Our team will determine when you should begin testing based on her findings during your breast exam, your health history, and your age.

Do I need hormone replacement therapy?

Grassroots takes a holistic approach to health care, and, in many cases, hormone imbalance may be causing some of your symptoms. Common conditions that affect hormone balance include:

  • Menopause
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Thyroid conditions

Our team conducts blood tests to assess hormone levels and makes recommendations to improve your hormone balance. In addition to testing for female hormones, Grassroots also tests for testosterone.

For a holistic approach to women’s health, call Grassroots Healthcare or schedule an appointment!

Grassroots Healthcare Services

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